Global Signal
Renaming, Rebranding, and Promotion (Collateral, Web, Direct Mail, Advertising) of Tower Communications Company.
Major re-branding of Tower Company (Global Signal formerly Pinnacle) including: Name Development, Branding (Logo and Tagline), Corporate Standards, Corporate Communications Materials, Interactive (Web and HTML email), Direct Mail, and Advertising (Trade and Consumer). Within 3 years this once Chapter 11 corporation rose to #2 in the industry and was acquired for $5.8 billion.
Above-Phase I Ads: Image based concepts introduce new brand and communicate to consumers this is an innovative and unique company. Based on the idea of "Bringing MORE to WireLESS" and doing business with GS was Effortless, they were Fearless in the industry, the benefits were Boundless, etc.
Below- Phase II Ads: Focus become more benefit oriented and speak to the primarily male oriented consumer base. in an industry that uses images of cellular towers in 99% of all advertising, these concepts were quite effective and provocative. B2B.